
Breast Lift

A breast lift is a cosmetic procedure designed to restore a more youthful appearance to breasts that have begun to sag. During the procedure, Dr. Torminn removes unwanted fat and tissue from the breasts, tightening the skin and recontouring the breasts to a more desirable shape. The procedure actually involves several cosmetic techniques that work together to elevate and rejuvenate the breasts.


Generally, several incisions (please see photo) are placed discreetly in and around the breasts, through which excess fat and skin are removed and the underlying muscles are tightened. Liposuction and breast augmentation with implants are also commonly performed in conjunction with breast lift surgery. Because the decision to undergo breast lift should be made only after the patient fully understands her options, as well as the risks and benefits associated with the procedure, it is important to schedule a pre-evaluation with Dr. Torminn.
